Back in June,
I began volunteering as a tutor for the Children's Literacy Center. As of two weeks ago, I began working for the Children's Literacy Center as a site coordinator. I had been tutoring for a few months and thought it wouldn't be too difficult to take over the job. It's been a bit of a rough transition as the person who left had been stretched too thin, trying to cover two places at the same time. I think trying to be in two places at once defies some kind of law of physics, but I never did well in science.
When I started they rearranged the schedules so I don't have to break that law and can focus on each site individually. I also have to switch up some students as the program is designed for kids who are at the youngest in the second semester of 1st grade. So, this little part-time gig has been all-consuming -- at least mentally and emotionally. I've even dreamed about it. I want it to run smoothly and I want everyone -- tutors, students, myself -- to get the most out of the experience. I think it's a really important program.
As a total bookworm since I learned to read, I just can't imagine not having the ability to read, let alone enjoy the escape of a really good book. I hope that once I get organized, it will all run a lot more smoothly. The kids are great and the tutors are the best. I just need to pull it all together.