Friday, May 21, 2010

Mutant strawberry

I baked a cake last weekend for the S.O.'s birthday. It was a lemon cake with vanilla frosting, and I sliced fresh strawberries to put on top.

It was not a beautiful cake but it was quite tasty.

You can't tell from the picture of the cake, but there were a few strawberries in the batch that were huge. They weren't just kind of big; they were seriously, massively, monstrously giant.


Lest you think that's Photoshopped (which I don't have, by the way), here's another for perspective.

The strawberry on the left is still larger than average and it's dwarfed by the mutant strawberry.

That big old thing tasted just like any other strawberry though. And since consuming it, I have not developed any special powers.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

And yet, I know he'll just break my heart again

There is something oh-so-charming about Jason Lee in this promo.

Still, I don't know if I can ever fully forgive him for "Alvin and the F'ing Chipmunks."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hello, everybody!

Don't you just hate it when people don't update their blog? Yeah, me too.

So, to update:
  • I am studying away to become a personal trainer, as well as working out more so I can be a good example to clients.
  • I am still writing test drives but am feeling kind of burned out on them and am (still) seriously considering not doing any more after the summer. However, that means the only writing I'll be doing will be on blogs. But that counts, right?
  • The S.O. and I are trying to decide if we want to return to my home town in a couple weeks for my niece's 8th grade graduation. We don't want to stay at my dad's house -- for a variety of reasons -- but also don't feel like having to explain that to him. Any ideas?
  • Ripley is almost completely back to normal. Her hair has mostly grown back, and she's up to her old shenanigans.
  • Saturday marks the six-year anniversary of my first date with the S.O. Time is scary.
OK, I think that brings us up to date. When I can think of something more profound -- or at least funny -- to write about, I will. But at least I'm not a total blog slacker.

UPDATE: Oh, and I'm playing with the blogs layout because I was tired of the generic template. if you like it, let me know. If you hate it, you can shut the hell up. (Oh, I'm kidding. Let me know if you hate it. It's a work in progress.)