Thursday, January 11, 2007

And speaking of dogs

I debated whether to write about this or not, but it's pretty funny so here goes ...

The other night my pets were kind of wound up - following me around and being obnoxious. I came out of a room into the hall, with the dog and cat scurrying along in front of me. The dog grabbed the cat - yes, grabbed - and started humping him. I yelled at her to stop and he tried to run off, but the dog grabbed him again from the front this time. I yelled some more and the cat eventually got away. I don't know about him but I'm scarred by the incident. Not only was it inter-species attempted rape - it was a female dog and a male cat. I'm thinking about calling a pet psychic. Don't you judge me.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome! Your dog seriously has agression issues, haha. She's gotta be dominant, even if it means kitty rape.

Pammeey said...

That's my dog. Little did I know how appropriate her name would be. I just knew she wasn't the "Sabrina" the pound said she was.