Sunday, November 01, 2009

Giving it a try

Last November, I missed out on the start of National Blog Posting Month and wasn't able to post every day in November. I signed up for e-mails so I would be ready this year. Am I ready to post every day for a month? Probably not. But I'm off to a good start. Right?

We attended a Zombie Halloween Party last night. Here's a picture of my costume:
Yeah, sometimes I look like this in the morning -- minus the neck wound.

I went as a doctor who had been bitten by an infected patient. The S.O. was an intern who got bitten by me. It's important to have a back story, you know.

1 comment:

moardy said...

I'm attempting nablopomo too! (and considering I totally forgot yesterday - you are already way ahead of me :))

Good luck!